I'm very interested in Statistical Learning in the health domain. My previous work at Reich Lab focused on developing tools to make real-time infectious disease forecasts.
Assessing the utility of COVID-19 case reports as a leading indicator for hospitalization forecasting in the United States
Nicholas G. Reich, Yijin Wang, Meagan Burns, Rosa Ergas, Estee Y. Cramer, Evan L. Ray
Epidemics, 2023
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The United States COVID-19 Forecast Hub dataset
Estee Y Cramer*, Yuxin Huang*, Yijin Wang*, Evan L Ray, Matthew Cornell, Johannes Bracher, Andrea Brennen, Alvaro J Castro Rivadeneira, Aaron Gerding, Katie House, Dasuni Jayawardena, Abdul Hannan Kanji, Ayush Khandelwal, Khoa Le, Vidhi Mody, Vrushti Mody, Jarad Niemi, Ariane Stark, Apurv Shah, Nutcha Wattanchit, Martha W Zorn, Nicholas G Reich & US COVID-19 Forecast Hub Consortium
Scientific Data - Nature, 2022
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Poster for Epidemics 8
Comparing trained and untrained probabilistic ensemble forecasts of COVID-19 cases and deaths in the United States
Evan L Ray, Logan C Brooks, Jacob Bien, Matthew Biggerstaff, Nikos I Bosse, Johannes Bracher, Estee Y Cramer, Sebastian Funk, Aaron Gerding, Michael A Johansson, Aaron Rumack, Yijin Wang, Martha Zorn, Ryan J Tibshirani, Nicholas G Reich
International Journal of Forecasting, 2022
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Evaluation of individual and ensemble probabilistic forecasts of COVID-19 mortality in the United States
Estee Y Cramer, Evan L Ray, Velma K Lopez, Johannes Bracher, ..., Yijin Wang, ..., Michael A. Johansson, Matthew Biggerstaff, Nicholas G Reich
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2022
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Software Packages
Besides my research, I also collaborated on software for processing and analyzing data in COVID-19 Forecast Hub.
covidHubUtils (R)
Utility functions for the COVID-19 Forecast Hub
Yijin Wang, Ariane Stark, Evan L Ray, Nikos I. Bosse, Khoa Le, Yuxin David Huang, Katharine Sherratt, Sebastian Funk, Nicholas G. Reich, Nutcha Wattanachit, Aaron Gerding, Dasuni Jayawardena
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